Montana Family Child Care network Family, Group, and FFn 2024 Conference
“Elevating Our Voices Together”
April 6th and 7th
Fairmont Hot Springs

ReGister today!
Raise Montana and the Montana Family Childcare Network are excited to announce that registration for the 2024 Homebased Child Care Conference is now open! This conference is open to homebased child care providers and educators including any state or tribally licensed/registered FFN, RCE, Family, and Group programs.
Book your stay!
Hotel rooms are available at Fairmont Hot Springs and The Forge under Raise Montana.
Rooms must be booked by February 21st, 2024.
To book at Fairmont Hot Springs, use the group code 29705 when you call.
If you become a member of MFCN, you will have a reduced conference fee and will have one complimentary night’s stay. You can pay for your MFCN membership when you register for the conference.
Businesses & Organizations
Vendor tabeling
We’d love to have you! We are inviting interested partner organizations to set up tables during the conference. Your tables can be staffed or unstaffed, so long as materials are dropped off and picked up on time.
Vendor tabling fee will be $100 ($65 for non-profit or childcare providers).
Applications are due by February 28th, 2024.
Become a sponsor
Last year, we were able to provide this conference, lodging fees, and all meals for 170 home-based child care providers at ZERO cost for the providers with a total cost of $48,000.
Due to funding sources ending, Montana Family Childcare Network is looking for sponsorships to cover conference, lodging, presenter, and meal costs this year.
We greatly appreciate anything you can give to reduce these costs for our amazing home-based child care providers!